Response to Bailey Stumpf's Blog
October 23, 2016
When searching for a classmate's blog to respond to, I found Bailey Stumpf's blog post titled "Keeping up with the Courier Journal: University of Louisville Swapping Crawford for Belknap." This post helped me understand Bailey's viewpoint of what she was reading. She explained what yardsticks and elements of journalism the article followed and I was impressed at how many she involved in her writing.
I believe Bailey wrote a great article because she explained what the authors of the article did that corresponded with our class discussion. Bailey wrote a great blog entry about the importance of non biased writing. She explained that the authors of the article did a great job of being un biased about the story the wrote. Bailey also included how it would affect the community and what their views on it was.
Overall, I was impressed how Bailey included all aspects of the article and the way it influenced her way of looking to the news. She explained what The Courier Journal did correct and what yardsticks/elements they followed. I enjoyed analyzing her blog, great job Bailey.
Check out her blog here: (link below)
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