Monday, September 5, 2016

Print Journalism

Print Journalism
September 2, 2016 

     In class today,  Mr. Miller explained the origin of print journalism and what effects it has had on our civilization. He also talked to us about the advantages of print journalism when being compared to other journalism sources, such as broadcast. 
     Print journalism, such as magazines, books, and newspapers, usually contains more thorough details than broadcasting. One downsize of print journalism is that you do not receive the information or news as soon as it happens. With print journalism, you have to wait for breaking news for weeks or in many cases months. On the other hand, broadcasting captures the news as soon as it is happening and sometimes is right there in the action. 
     I enjoyed discussing with Mr. Miller the different aspects of print journalism, because it made me realize that newspapers and magazines cover news that happened weeks or months ago and not at the time I happened to read it. I guess I did know this but putting it in this perspective made me realize what timeline exists when reading print journalism. 
     The next part of our discussion in class was the history of printing. We spent a lot of time discussing the different dates that influenced the history of printing. This was very helpful in understanding how some inventions went hand in hand with others. It was also interesting to see the growth and impact some individuals had on the history of printing. One common theme was presented in many of these dates, powerful organizations acted to increase their power. Some examples of this theme is the Catholic Church and many other powerful institutions during the time of the new press technologies. I think that we did spend quite enough time discussing these dates in class with Mr. Miller. 
     We, as a class, developed a list of effects that printing technology has had on the world. I did not know how much press technology has affected our lives. Some effects of press technology was that it was the very beginning of journalism, helped spread many scientific ideas, and it helped the growth of literacy. Those are just some of the ways press technology has affected our history and our everyday lives. Learning about different effects of print journalism helped me realize how important it is and what happened because of it. 

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