Monday, September 12, 2016

Classmate Response 2

laurenhunter77 Response
September 12, 2016

    For my next classmate response, I came across Lauren's blog and I was intrigued. After reading all of her posts, I decided to respond to her blog titled, "Class Discussion Review: print journalism." This blog post intrigued me because Lauren explained print journalism thoroughly. She explained Gutenberg and how he contributed to the world of printing and journalism. She did a great job of relating the past lives to our lives and our world. 
    While reading her blog Lauren stated the effects of print journalism such as the literacy rates began to steadily rise and that there was a spread of religious beliefs around the globe. This article was very informative and had a very detailed explanation of Gutenberg's technology and how it affected the printing world. 
    Lauren, in her blog post, stated that only the wealthy had the ability to receive an education. She found that this was a travesty, that everyone could not receive the same education and I totally agree. Overall, this was a great blog and I am grateful I had the opportunity to read it. Below is Lauren's link to her blog, check it out!

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