Monday, September 12, 2016

Classmate Response 1

Maple Leaf Mag Response
September 12, 2016

    After finishing my four blogs on class discussions, I decided to move on to the classmate responses. In these next two blog posts I will be discussing with you on what I agree with my classmates and what I disagree with. I will share with you what I have learned from their blogs.   
    After perusing through the many blog posts of my fellow classmates, I came across an article by known author of slam poems, Maggie. I read her many blog posts and found them very interesting and thought provoking. Not only were these articles helpful in understanding the lectures and putting them in real world examples but they were well written and executed. I thoroughly enjoyed the blog post called "Class Response: Demassification ." Her article explained how television has become demassified and is targeting niche audiences. 
    I totally agree about what Maggie was trying to convey. Maggie had several great points about television and it's history. She explained how specific channels target their audiences through different ways such as having their episodes online or having them in a specific language. 
    Overall, this was a great article and I have attached the link so you can read it too!

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